Welcome to the 2020 Return to Learn Giveaway Hop sponsored by The Mommy Island, The Kids Did It and Zombie Parenting!
Well, it's almost back to school time! It's going to be a weird start to the year with this pandemic going on - yikes! Personally, I think schools are insane to expect kids to physically go to school right now, that's just asking for the virus to spread rampant. Seriously, under normal circumstances, we'll go the entire summer with nobody getting sick once, and then once school starts up, we'll have some bug or another running through the household at least once a month. It's just inevitable that kids spread sicknesses at school amongst each other - there's too many surfaces they touch, too many other kids they're in contact with, and kids just don't think too much about being safe in that sense. They're more concerned with socializing and playing than being socially distant. BAD IDEA I tell ya, bad idea to have kids go back to school right now! Thankfully, my local school is offering online classes at least for the beginning of the year, so I can home-school my oldest and keep him home safe n sound! Otherwise he'd definitely be bringing it home to the babies and us, and that's just too much to risk! Who knew school would ask you to risk the lives of kids and their families for the sake of education?? For my stop on the hop, I'm giving away a $100 Amazon card to one lucky winner! That should cover school supplies for a kid and you can safely stay home and have them delivered - yay! And if you don't have kids, well you can indulge in some goodies to help you make it through staying at home lol ! ​​
Wendy Jensen
8/4/2020 09:18:32 am
I do not think schools should re-open just yet. Covid is not under control.
8/4/2020 09:35:13 am
i want them to go back but unfortunately the county is going virtual for at least the first semester
Jennylyn Gross
8/4/2020 10:19:40 am
virtual learning till January
8/4/2020 10:26:24 am
I think the schools should be teaching online. My kids are homeschooled and they do their curriculum online. It works well.
Rita Wray
8/4/2020 11:11:04 am
I think they should go back if it can be done safely.
Shirley Ann Speakman
8/4/2020 11:13:18 am
I don't have children but I don't think they should go back too soon especially as they are always passing bugs around in normal term time.
Wendy Jensen
8/4/2020 11:25:31 am
We don't have school age children. I really think it is too early for children to be heading back to school.
shelly peterson
8/4/2020 12:03:28 pm
I think they should go back but my son has to learn from home this year.
Will G
8/4/2020 12:14:21 pm
I think kid should go back to school.
8/4/2020 12:30:10 pm
I think it is a good idea to send kids back to school.
Darlene Carbajal
8/4/2020 12:45:06 pm
I do not have any kids, but I don't think school should re-open yet.
Kim Avery
8/4/2020 12:46:28 pm
I don't think it's safe enough for younger kids just yet but alternate days for high school students seems ok.
8/4/2020 12:56:26 pm
This is a tough question. I'm actually not sure how I feel about the kids going back yet.
Dana Rodriguez
8/4/2020 01:02:46 pm
I don't have any kids at home but they are reopening schools here. I think it is a bad idea.
Bryan Vice
8/4/2020 01:07:16 pm
Our school is planning on opening up on the 26th I really dont know what is going to happen but it seems we're having a lot of numbers mainly because people wont comply with the requirements
Cali W.
8/4/2020 01:13:34 pm
I don't have any kids thank goodness and I am not so sure if they should go back to school or not; thanks for the giveaway. :)
8/4/2020 01:22:48 pm
I don't think they should open. I don't have school aged kids but if I did they wouldn't be going.
8/4/2020 01:34:48 pm
I don't believe it is safe for children to be in school five days a week.
paige chander
8/4/2020 01:38:41 pm
No no no. Especially here in Texas with cases on the rise
8/4/2020 01:45:11 pm
I don't have school-age kids now but would be worried to send them to school. It will only be online here for the Fall. I think that's safest.
Maia @ Silver Dagger Book Tours
8/4/2020 02:49:37 pm
Hi Natalie!
Penny Knowlton
8/4/2020 01:46:12 pm
I'm a grandparent and I want all my grandchildren to be safe but I'm glad it's not my decisions to make.
Sara Zielinski
8/4/2020 01:54:36 pm
I don't have kids but I am not sure if schools should reopen at this time, for my area we are not sure if they are opening yet.
8/4/2020 02:09:22 pm
I have kids and I am not sure how I feel about it. Their schools are doing half the time in classroom and then off. So A-K go on monday tuesday and every other wed .
Robert Young
8/4/2020 02:10:33 pm
I hate to get into any kind of conversations such as this one but what do I have to lose, I really don't care one way or another about whither kids do go back to school or not, I believe that the teachers and their union should step up and say either yes, bring the kids back with open arms or say No, we are too scared and would rather keep things the way they are for now, it would be nice to hear from a union representative about how they are backing the teachers in all of this.
Dan Denman
8/4/2020 02:26:39 pm
In our district, schools are starting the first few weeks with virtual learning from home. My daughter is a teacher. I am glad she will be at home.
Derek Jennings
8/4/2020 02:30:59 pm
I don't think school's should open up yet.
8/4/2020 02:40:21 pm
I think it really should be voluntary, they're opening it up too fast, even here where the cases aren't too high, it's still risky. Sadly, the government hasn't based their decision on the well-being of people.
Viki S.
8/4/2020 02:43:32 pm
I think they should re-open with cdc guidelines.
8/4/2020 03:04:06 pm
I think schools should stay closed and kids be homeschooled.
8/4/2020 03:04:33 pm
I think it is too early to let the kids go back to school. I don't currently have children but I wouldn't want the exposure that they risk by going to school.
8/4/2020 03:19:36 pm
I don't think they should go back yet. My niece teaches first grade and they are trying to get everything ready for when ever they do go back.
Caroline Bock
8/4/2020 03:29:44 pm
I believe schools should start virtual and phase in slowly. My kids are going virtually
8/4/2020 03:40:23 pm
I think it is a tough decision.
Amy Green
8/4/2020 03:50:12 pm
I don’t have any children. For the sake of the health of people of all ages, schools should not be open. States should use funding and resources to ensure that students of all ages can get quality, remote educations safely at home.
Victoria Scott
8/4/2020 03:51:25 pm
We are doing virtual until January, but we were given the choice. I honestly think that the schools will close in a couple weeks and it'll be chaos.
8/4/2020 04:05:32 pm
keep kids home this year, health is more important.
Haley Bizimana
8/4/2020 04:11:09 pm
I think schools should have remote learning for the first half of the year to see how things progress, and then reevaluate for the 2nd half of the year whether that should continue or if the schools should open up.
8/4/2020 04:13:24 pm
I can see both sides to the back-to-school issue and haven't really took a stand on what I think is best. My niece is going back to the classroom full time (in a rural area) and my nephew is going one day a week and online the rest (in an urban area). I think every region will be different.
8/4/2020 04:19:40 pm
I think schools should stay closed until the end of the year at least...
Bea LaRocca
8/4/2020 04:21:59 pm
I do not think that schools should re-open yet. My grand-kids have told me that our school district will be doing a lot of classes on-line but that they will also be attending classes in school. I think that this will enable the virus to continue to circulate throughout the population again and again.
Carolyn D
8/4/2020 04:23:16 pm
Most schools should not reopen this fall. My nephew has to do virtual school as our county is a hot spot for the virus so most of the schools in my area aren't reopening and special guidelines are in place for small classes for those with special needs.
Cathy Truman
8/4/2020 04:30:01 pm
I am thinking they should be doing online until they can open up safe.
James Robert
8/4/2020 04:42:50 pm
Since kids are more apt to get sick from the flu than covid 19, I think they should get back in school. They need it! I think they just have to have safe practice before heading back to protect teachers and students.
Karen M
8/4/2020 04:58:47 pm
I don't have any school age kids but I wouldn't send them back to school yet - too many unknowns about virus.
Nicole Martin
8/4/2020 05:05:12 pm
I think they should open. Kids need to be around their friends and have social interaction.
Jon Heil
8/4/2020 05:14:26 pm
hope gets better but never know too many young have that corrupt virus and spreading it
wendy hutton
8/4/2020 05:34:20 pm
I don't have kids but I think it will be a bad idea to send thekids back to school as they are not going to social distance or wear masks
Tonya Smith
8/4/2020 05:37:37 pm
I think they should take it slow sending the kids and teachers back to school. They should wait till covid-19 numbers are very low.
8/4/2020 05:37:47 pm
School opening is still up in the air in my area sounds like they are going to do it online but no sure yet.
8/4/2020 05:51:27 pm
should be careful reopening
8/4/2020 05:56:09 pm
I think each district should do what is best for their part of town. For instance, in the northern part of the state there is very few COVID-19 cases, so the kids would be okay to go back to school.
Juana Esparza
8/4/2020 05:56:23 pm
I think schools should remain closed especially in states where the virus is uncontrollable.
Corey Hutton
8/4/2020 06:05:10 pm
I think people need to grow balls and realize COVID is HARMLESS!
Serge B
8/4/2020 06:19:05 pm
My son is going to college in a bubble
8/4/2020 06:24:00 pm
I do not have any kids, but I don't think schools should open up right now.
David Hollingsworth
8/4/2020 06:54:35 pm
I don't have any children, but I think that it is way too soon to open schools. It's too dangerous.
Shirley O
8/4/2020 06:56:28 pm
We don't have school age children. I think that online instruction would be the best option right now.
Ellie Wright
8/4/2020 06:56:28 pm
I'm hesitant about schools reopening right now. Our three kids will be doing virtual school this year. Thankfully, our school district is giving us the choice.
John E.
8/4/2020 07:10:12 pm
I think it's important for kids to go back to school but only with the proper safety precautions and only in districts that have a low Covid infection rate.
Darlene Owen
8/4/2020 07:13:59 pm
I do not have any kids in school but I do have 8 grandchildren. I do not think they should go back to school yet.
Mary Cloud
8/4/2020 07:19:24 pm
My kids are going back but I'm a little nervous about it. I kind of wish they would have waited a little bit longer.
Stacey McCrary
8/4/2020 07:41:41 pm
No I don't think schools should reopen. The only one I have left is doing remote schooling and this was before they decided today that our whole county will be remote for the first nine weeks
8/4/2020 08:13:07 pm
I can see virtual learning being the norm, with some one on one accomodation as needed for students who may require the extra attention.
Richard Hicks
8/4/2020 08:14:12 pm
Schools should only open after this pandemic has come to a close.
Marisela Zuniga
8/4/2020 08:31:47 pm
my son will be attending in school classes, i don't like that schools are opening but he doesn't learn well with me
Rachel D
8/4/2020 08:33:45 pm
No! My daughter is going 100% virtual through the high school. The rate of new cases and hospitalizations per capita in Louisiana is way too high!
Ashley Chassereau Parks
8/4/2020 08:49:59 pm
We used to teach public school, but have homeschooled my kids for the past 5 years. So, we will continue to homeschool like we are used to.
Jessica W.
8/4/2020 08:56:59 pm
My daughter is starting kindergarten and will do the first 6 weeks online only,
Debbie P
8/4/2020 08:57:54 pm
I think that it depends on the area on a case by case basis. But for the most part no.
Victoria Alexander
8/4/2020 09:13:47 pm
I sure don't, I would never risk my child or anyone else's and right now there is too much risk.
Jeff A
8/4/2020 09:35:04 pm
I don't think it's safe to re-open yet. I don't have school age kids and I certainly understand that school provides child care for our kids though. It's not a good situation.
Nanette Olson
8/4/2020 09:56:10 pm
My children are grown, but I have grandchildren and yes, I think they should go back to school.
Thomas Gibson
8/4/2020 10:22:12 pm
My children are grown. I think schools should not reopen at this time.
8/4/2020 10:27:59 pm
Everything should be closed except for essentials.
Kelly D
8/4/2020 10:39:31 pm
I don't think schools should re-open, but they need to find a way to help parents through this. My kids are staying at home and doing different homeschooling options.
8/4/2020 11:40:23 pm
I don't have kids, but think it's definitely too soon to reopen schools safely.
8/4/2020 11:46:18 pm
I am so happy that my child graduated (virtually) from college in May! I feel that it is safer for kids to learn from home and not physically go to school. With this being said, I know it will be a hardship on parents, especially ones that work!
8/5/2020 12:21:57 am
When it's safe for all it will be safe for them.
8/5/2020 12:29:54 am
I think they can reopen when there's a vaccine.
Daniel Scott
8/5/2020 12:30:13 am
We don't have school age kids, but my wife is a teacher. She thinks the kids need to be in school for their social, emotional and academic needs.
Kimberly L Rutkowski
8/5/2020 04:12:11 am
Not at all!!!
Melanie borhi
8/5/2020 04:13:04 am
I do with social distancing and mask use. But unfortunately my son won't wear a mask so im going to be homeschooled this year.
Michele Soyer
8/5/2020 06:11:03 am
I think that the schools should remain closed until they really have this virus under control.. It is just too dangerous to have children out there.. Home schooling is the way to go if you can....
Beyond Comps
8/5/2020 06:14:51 am
Great contest.
athena graeme
8/5/2020 06:55:16 am
Schools should open based on local numbers. If there are few or no cases in that district, go with social distancing rules, masks, hand sanitizer, etc. If the school is in a hot zone, stay home.
8/5/2020 07:21:54 am
I think schools should be open with remote-only options. My child is going to remotely learn for 2 to 3 days a week, and only go in to the school the other weekdays. The split schedule is hard, and ostensibly keeps the kids "safer" by having fewer on-site. But the teachers are exposed to all the kids 5 days a week! Masks are required, but it's still an impossible situation. I predict closing of physical schools by Christmas. All remote.
Charles Kelley
8/5/2020 07:41:38 am
With the news of large number of cases of Covid-19 resulting from school openings and camp openings it is rather obvious that opening schools is dangerous or even disastrous.
Cathy French
8/5/2020 07:50:11 am
I think they should reopen. Our local school is staying closed (homeschool only) for the first 8 weeks and will reevaluate at that time to see if they can reopen
Ann Fantom
8/5/2020 07:51:26 am
My daughter's school is full remote
8/5/2020 08:32:24 am
I live where Covid is pretty well managed; and I still don't feel confident about schools opening.
8/5/2020 08:38:08 am
I don't think schools should be opening yet but I"m lucky that I don't have school-age kids
Mya Murphy
8/5/2020 09:21:18 am
In New Jersey, where I live, the kids have to wear masks the whole time.. This would be torture for them. I believe children should be homeschooled, but I don't know how that's possible with both parents needing to work.
Laura Barnes-Schrillo
8/5/2020 09:57:09 am
I wish they would open but I am afraid they wouldn't be open long
shannon zeidan
8/5/2020 10:23:36 am
I think there should be options. There are positives and negatives to opening and not re opening.
April Morin
8/5/2020 10:54:05 am
I think schools should remain online for the whole next school year.
8/5/2020 11:02:52 am
I do not think schools should open. I'm teaching my son from home this year
Motionless Trees
8/5/2020 12:01:42 pm
Schools should definitely not be reopening right now.
Shellie Clark
8/5/2020 12:23:08 pm
Robin M
8/5/2020 12:32:32 pm
They're in school
8/5/2020 01:24:48 pm
Planning to send my kids back when they reopen.
Kyona Sirico
8/5/2020 01:36:35 pm
I don’t think schools should reopen because the virus will spread if they do. I haven’t fully decided yet whether or not I will be sending my son because I am very uncomfortable with him being there.
Barbara Montag
8/5/2020 01:47:48 pm
Our kids are out of school.
8/5/2020 02:12:26 pm
No, schools should not reopen yet.
chelsea w
8/5/2020 02:17:33 pm
I know we don't want kids "falling behind," but I'd rather risk that than have kids dying from so many risks with schools re-opening :(
Sharon Rooney
8/5/2020 02:27:45 pm
I don't have any children in school.
Erin N
8/5/2020 02:49:02 pm
I think it should be up to the parents if their kids go into school or not. It also depends on where you live.. some areas are worse than others.
Rebecca Moore
8/5/2020 03:32:27 pm
I do and here's why: I work at a title one school where 90% of my kids did NOT engage during e-learning this spring. They were passed. IF we go to e-learning they will not engage. We do not have enough computers as a district to give them all a computer to learn and we will fail a whole generation of kids. These kids are already 6 months behind. We go to e-learning and they will likely be a year or more.
molli taylor
8/5/2020 03:37:45 pm
our district is online, which is best when possible, but not everyone can stay home!
8/5/2020 04:08:01 pm
I have grandkids and the district is planning physical for grades K-4 and virtual for grades 5-12.
Jeanette Jackson
8/5/2020 04:36:03 pm
I would like to have a vaccine ready before my grandchildren go back to school
8/5/2020 06:19:26 pm
I think schools should open - with proper precautions. The risk of losing a year of their education is too high
Michele C
8/5/2020 07:43:30 pm
My son is graduated, but I think schools should reopen and I would send him. I don't see an issue with doing some at home and some in-person, unless the child is living with someone with medical issues, but the kids need socialization.
Sandy Klocinski
8/5/2020 07:50:12 pm
I have no school age children so I don't really have to deal with this issue personally. I think that school shouldn’t even be considered right now. We need to get this under control first. It’s just too dangerous
iliana blair
8/5/2020 08:12:30 pm
No, as a retired teacher I would not be exposing myself nor want any of the children to take home the virus to their parents and grandparents.
Linda Sturgeon
8/5/2020 08:33:20 pm
Send them to school, or home-school in small groups
Tiffany S
8/5/2020 08:42:05 pm
I don't have kids, but I don't think schools should be opening up yet, it seems too soon.
8/5/2020 09:07:24 pm
Julie Murphy
8/5/2020 09:16:52 pm
Schools should open.
Susan Christy
8/5/2020 09:37:31 pm
I don't have kids but I am very nervous for my nieces and nephews to return to school. I don't really have an opinion...kids need to learn, have the structure in their lives when parents are unable to homeschool. It's a mess!!
Stephanie Liske
8/5/2020 10:14:13 pm
I think they should continue distance learning till there is a proven vaccine. My youngest just graduated at home, after the pandemic began.
Kristy Hughes
8/6/2020 12:42:22 am
I am not really happy about it. But, working at the school, if I'm to work- which I need to then they will need to go to school.
Melissa Storms
8/6/2020 01:09:48 am
I honestly have no idea. My son will be a junior this year and will be in the classroom 1 day per week and learning remotely the rest of the week. I just really do not know how to feel about any of it, We will make it work for him though.
Jenness M
8/6/2020 07:56:56 am
I don't have kids but I would be uncomfortable sending them back to school.
8/6/2020 08:10:20 am
I think we should do remote learning.
R Patrick
8/6/2020 10:30:13 am
Honestly, doesn't matter what I think. The seem to be making decisions that make no sense and change daily. Luckily, my kids are out of high school. Feel bad for the younger kids, I feel like they need to be in school for many reasons.
Cynthia C
8/6/2020 12:03:47 pm
I think it's too soon to open schools back up. We don't know enough about the virus yet and have no vaccine.
Jennifer L.
8/6/2020 12:16:39 pm
I think schools should re-open for people that want that option. I've always homeschooled my son so we'll just keep doing this.
Andrea Somers
8/6/2020 12:39:23 pm
I'm indifferent they all act like little snots
Antoinette M
8/6/2020 01:41:35 pm
We have virtual learning for 1 st quarter. I agree.
8/6/2020 01:58:42 pm
I do not think they should, but I do realize that we are lucky to have the option to keep them home (which we are doing). We are in the hotspot of our state and schools all around us have already had positive cases, I suspect it's only a matter of time before everyone is back to e-learning, honestly!
8/6/2020 04:24:38 pm
I am so lucky that my child graduated from college (virtual) in May. They were home in April and just stayed till they moved to St Louis for work and friends. I feel so bad for folks who have kids in school, no matter the grade. I don't think kids should be in physical school as I think the COVID would spread like fire. However, what are working parents to do?! It's not good no matter what!
Ken Ohl
8/6/2020 04:27:55 pm
my little niece enters 5 th grade this year she is going to be doing online courses
Brad Edwards
8/6/2020 04:57:37 pm
Schools should definitely reopen. Factual data shows that people under 18 are rarely affected by this virus. If they do get sick, there is a 0.04% chance that they will die. There is a much higher chance that they will commit suicide by being in solitary confinement!!
Bernie Wallace
8/6/2020 05:27:25 pm
I don't have any kids but I think they should not go back to school.
joy f
8/6/2020 07:40:12 pm
I don't have children, so I don't have an opinion.
8/6/2020 08:29:31 pm
hell no they shouldnt be open and if i had kids no way would i let them go to school.
Amy F
8/6/2020 09:10:56 pm
I don't have kids... but I think it's too early to send them back especially with cases increasing versus having the spread under control. Not only are the kids at risk, so are the school faculty and their families.
Christina Oliver
8/6/2020 10:23:52 pm
No. Mine is staying home.
Michelle H.
8/6/2020 10:49:24 pm
I think schools should open.
Nina Lewis
8/6/2020 11:35:26 pm
No I don't think they should reopen. My kid is not going. We made the decision of keep homeschooling him for now!
Judy Thomas
8/7/2020 01:43:49 am
Our schools are all open again in New Zealand and children have gone back to school as all covid cases are in isolation. If we had it in our communitys I would not send my kids to school.
rochelle haynes
8/7/2020 01:51:18 am
My kids are all grown up so i can not answer that
Pauline Milner
8/7/2020 05:17:47 am
School is opening in September, however, students will only be in the classroom for half of the regular time. The rest of the time, they will study at home online. This is to limit the amount of kids together at the same time so that physical distancing will be easier. I am a bit anxious, however, I know we cannot stay at home and isolating from others forever. We have to get back to living. Thanks for offering this awesome giveaway opportunity.
Dandi D
8/7/2020 11:12:43 am
We are homeschooling and we started last week.
8/7/2020 11:50:22 am
Many schools in my area are going virtual for the first quarter, which I think is a good decision.
8/7/2020 01:43:26 pm
I wouldn't feel comfortable sending my grandsons back to school at this time.
Julie Waldron
8/7/2020 02:41:49 pm
I'm thankful that our girls are graduated! I don't know as I'd feel comfortable sending them.
8/7/2020 04:05:03 pm
I think it's probably safer for kids to stay home right now. My grandchildren will be having virtual school.
Mishelle G
8/7/2020 04:56:55 pm
I want to keep the both of them home - but my daughter is going back to uni in under a month and my son is going back to school. They aren't learning well in the kind of distance learning going on here in NS. I wish I could pull them both out of schools but I don't think I can.
Lisa Ellison
8/7/2020 05:02:24 pm
i don't have kids
Dawn Monzu
8/7/2020 07:33:18 pm
If the kids are older, like middle school, possibly...but younger kids should NOT. That's just my opinion! I have a 7 year old granddaughter and I'm glad she's only going to be virtually learning again. Why risk their health if we don't need to? That's what I think...
Heather B
8/7/2020 07:40:14 pm
I have one child who is immunocompromised, we are keeping him home. my 16yr old's school us doing 2 days in school 3 remote. I work in a smaller private school and we are all in 5 days a week!
8/7/2020 09:44:06 pm
I'm uncomfortable sending them back, but I work at the school.. so we are all going back
Merysa Cortez
8/8/2020 04:52:27 am
Schools should not reopen. We will be staying home this year! :)
Jaclyn Reynolds
8/8/2020 05:25:02 am
We homeschool already, I wouldn't feel comfortable with sending my children to school right now.
Denise C
8/8/2020 12:21:37 pm
I have no kids but I teach. My school district is doing distance learning for this school year. A lot of parents are happy, but some are in a bind. This is not a wealthy city and there's a lot of people who don't have Internet at home. The district is deploying school busses strategically around the city to be wifi hotspots to support the decision. In a way I think this is a good thing. Students who don't have Internet at home have increasingly become more and more at a disadvantage This could be the catalyst to get all households online.
Chrystal D
8/8/2020 03:11:42 pm
They should definitely re open them. I don't have kids, no.
Chrystal D
8/8/2020 03:12:45 pm
They should definitely re open them. I don't have kids
Linda K
8/8/2020 04:53:40 pm
If it can be done safely, it would be great for them to go back to school. But I don't see how it can.
Susan Smith
8/8/2020 05:03:49 pm
I think the schools should be teaching online or at least give parents the choice to send their kids to school or online learning.
Bill Hoff
8/8/2020 07:19:31 pm
No ids,but don't want any neices or nephews speading to Covid to us
Kayla Harmon
8/8/2020 08:13:37 pm
i think it should be remote learning. That is how my children are returning.
8/8/2020 08:20:32 pm
I think children should return to school if safety precautions are in place. It is very important especially for younger children to have a structured environment for learning.
Stephanie Ann
8/8/2020 09:57:42 pm
I wish they could go back to school without masks, but that's not safe at the moment and I think the kids are better at home until things get better. Hopefully it won't take forever.
Sarah L
8/8/2020 11:28:53 pm
No kids but I think it's too dangerous to open the schools right now.
Karen A.
8/9/2020 12:22:48 am
I don't think it's a good idea for the kids to go back to school.
8/9/2020 12:45:39 am
I think schools should reopen, but with an option for kids to do remote learning if some people are not ready.
Carly Daring
8/9/2020 06:26:08 am
I don't know.. I think we need to get this under control. The schools that have opened have already had cases. I personally think remote for the next few months if possible but maybe open for essential workers. I dont know.
Anita Duvall
8/9/2020 11:07:04 am
They should not return right now. Arkansas is a hot spot right now and I am so glad I don't have school age children!
Kathleen Downes
8/9/2020 11:59:23 am
I think schools should reopen. I was already homeschooling my son before all this started and will continue to do so.
Audrey Stewart
8/9/2020 04:12:56 pm
I would never send my kids to school with this deadly virus still not under control.
Amber Kolb
8/9/2020 05:13:41 pm
I think the numbers are highly inflated and I think it might be okay for the kids to return to school. I have a few people that I know personally who had spouses pass during the pandemic and their deaths were labeled covid even though they tested negative before they died. I believe it's out there, I just don't think there are as many cases and deaths as the news and numbers portray.
Danielle Day
8/9/2020 05:14:40 pm
It should be individual based some people dont feel safe yet!
Linda Walker
8/9/2020 05:42:34 pm
My HS daughter is going back but my son's freshman college year is remote so far.
8/9/2020 09:59:30 pm
I don't think schools should reopen.
Anne Higgins
8/9/2020 10:28:47 pm
Our schools will remain closed for at least 5 more weeks - I would like to see schools open but for now it will be homeschooling and virtual learning!
Julie Barrett
8/10/2020 05:48:18 am
I think it's still too early to reopen and puts everyone at risk
Julie Lundstrom
8/10/2020 11:23:52 am
I don't want our schools here to reopen yet. We are just too high with new cases here yet.
Angela W
8/10/2020 12:45:05 pm
No, schools should not reopen especially since in some areas...parents are required to sign a waiver for their child in case they get the virus. We are homeschooling.
Lauren Becker
8/10/2020 12:51:24 pm
I don't have any kids, but I don't think opening up schools is going to go well in most places. I understand why some families have to make that choice though - not everyone can do virtual learning.
Brooke R.
8/10/2020 01:46:58 pm
I think kids should go back when it is safe for them and for their teachers, not before. My kiddos will be doing virtual learning this year.
8/10/2020 02:09:54 pm
I have two sons. One in high school and one in junior high. They are starting back to school, in person. It makes me nervous, but our area hasn't been hit too hard. I think it depends on each school district to decide if it is too soon. I think there should be options for families to make a decision that they feel comfortable with their own children.
8/10/2020 02:11:19 pm
It;s not time yet. Learn at home.
8/11/2020 09:26:54 am
If I can, I'd keep my kids home.
Erin Madigan
8/11/2020 03:30:48 pm
I don't have children, and I don't envy any parent having to make the tough decision on if they should or shouldn't send their child to school. I personally think that we should wait a month or two before sending students back to the classroom once the spread of COVID has decreased.
Janice Wright
8/11/2020 07:01:17 pm
My kids are grown but I do have grandkids. They are going back. I'm a little worried.
Heather Kaufman
8/12/2020 02:54:52 pm
I do not think they should reopen. We are doing elearning.
wen budro
8/12/2020 03:40:41 pm
I think that homeschooling is the best for a variety of reasons. College students will continue their virtual learning.
Alexandra Y
8/12/2020 11:23:37 pm
I don't think it's safe for schools to open yet.
Katie Bellamy
8/12/2020 11:41:56 pm
My kids are going to be starting virtual this year no matter what.
Jonathan Post
8/13/2020 06:04:26 am
I think most children should return to school because not all kids have internet access which increased the existing gap between poor and rich kids. Also most children are at very low risk of getting Covid and the risk of death among kids from it is virtually non existant. However kids who have a weakened immune response should be handled on a case by case basis through a. IEP and the special education department until the virus is contained.
Cindy Merrill
8/13/2020 06:52:41 pm
I think Home schooling is the way to go- that way, Liberal teachers won't be able to brain wash my grand children.
8/13/2020 07:46:27 pm
I think it's too soon for schools to re-open. I think homeschooling is the best way.
Jeanna Massman
8/14/2020 04:32:14 am
I do not think schools should open for on-site learning until COVID-19 is completely under control. My grandson starts online school next week.
Christy Caldwell
8/14/2020 07:05:54 am
I have mixed feelings about kids going back. Really not sure of the best option, but my son will be homeschooling. He's working through some health issues and I started last year before all the virus stuff.
Robin Abrams
8/14/2020 07:32:38 am
I do not think schools should re-open just yet. I think they should do a year of home school until the virus is under control
Rhonda Struthers
8/14/2020 09:54:35 am
If the province or State has a very low number of Covid cases then yes with proper precautions
8/14/2020 10:10:52 am
Although I feel sorry that it is still too dangerous for students to return to school, I'm of the opinion that their health is even more important. They are all little petri dishes of bacteria and viruses, and I remember when my son substituted for teachers, he would bring home everything and we'd all get sick.
8/14/2020 10:32:53 pm
My kids are homeschooling. I’m not a fan of the social lessons kids are learning in the weird environment that schools have to set up right now.
Ashley c
8/15/2020 05:31:59 am
I have no idea if schools should go back or not, and I don’t think there is a right answer. Luckily, my son isn’t school age yet
Maggie C
8/15/2020 07:49:12 am
I think the answer to this depends on what part of the country you're in. I'm not thrilled about my kids going back to school even part of the day but I know they don't learn as well virtually. I also suspect that we may be starting all virtually, as we have about 3 weeks until school starts.
Priscilla S.
8/15/2020 07:54:44 am
I do not think schools should re-open yet.
Mark Marville
8/15/2020 01:23:18 pm
Absolutely not! And I don't have kids.
Nicole Fall
8/16/2020 03:51:30 am
I do NOT think schools should re-open right now. I'm so glad I don't have school age children.
Vicki Wurgler
8/16/2020 08:29:15 am
I don't have school aged kids but I think maybe it should be online
Jane McGregor
8/16/2020 11:59:59 am
It would be foolish to open schools!
Daniel M
8/16/2020 01:27:55 pm
nope too soon and i don't have kids
Heather Mahley
8/16/2020 02:12:17 pm
I don't think they should open yet. We are doing virtual learnign right now but still have a lot of questions yet to be answered
Jessi Housel
8/16/2020 03:00:35 pm
I love what my kids school district offered 100% inperson or 100% online; my kids are doing inperson. I am going back to working part-time (teacher) in person and my husband's school district (teacher) is starting all online but re-evaluating in Oct. and he could be teaching online and inperson at the same time. I'm not judging any parents choice to keep kids home or send to inperson because each child and each family has different needs. My kids are academically on par but my youngest has sensory challenges and though no longer has a speech disability has communication challenges and can only work on these by being at school.
8/16/2020 03:35:00 pm
im not sure yet
Carrie Dupree Conley
8/16/2020 04:19:54 pm
My kids are grown and I am thankful, no grandkids. I think its to early to send them to school. I do understand if you have to work, I am thankful I don't have to make the decision
Jennifer Blank
8/16/2020 04:46:04 pm
Kids should be home not just for the summer but for the up coming school year as well!!
8/16/2020 05:59:38 pm
I don't think they should open. My son's school is doing remote learning for the 1st quarter.
8/17/2020 05:41:24 am
Do you think schools should re-open right now? I think this wouldn't be such a huge issue if overcrowding had been taken care of before now but with classrooms packed like they are there is no way to space these children six feet apart with the limited space in schools or to clean the air. Would I send my kids to school right now if they were school-age again, most definitively not.
John Sweeney
8/17/2020 12:21:41 pm
This is largely media overhype. The kids need to go back
Amanda Whitley
8/17/2020 05:22:16 pm
i feel like its such a controversial subject .. i sent my youngest back because he has already repeated kindergarten and still so behind from a learning disability. I think it should be parents choice honestly.
8/17/2020 06:34:02 pm
They shouldn't reopen. Homeschooling and online learning is best.
8/17/2020 07:52:05 pm
Unfortunately it is not safe to reopen in the United States. We'll be going to virtual public school.
8/17/2020 08:27:39 pm
I don’t think they should open up yet.
Deb Pelletier
8/17/2020 09:02:10 pm
Teachers are going to have a hard time to keep the school clean and making kids stay 6 feet apart. Is it really worth having even one child die. I have no kids. But if I did I would keep them home or at the grandparents.
kathy pease
8/17/2020 09:09:51 pm
My kids are all grown and I am unsure about what is going on with our schools.I don't know what is happening in this country but it sure seems like there is a much bigger agenda than a virus.
Jennifer Brinker
8/17/2020 09:16:26 pm
I think schools should open for those parents who must work. I think keeping class sizes small to Promote enough distancing is necessary. My kids are going to school two days a week with 3 days of virtual learning. The two days they go they will only have 8-12 kids in their class with strict hygiene and distancing rules.
Shirley Emitt
8/17/2020 09:20:01 pm
I really want them to go back when safe, so we are going virtual for now.
Tara W
8/17/2020 10:28:26 pm
I think it's a little too soon in my location. The virus is not under control yet.
Tammy Evans
8/17/2020 10:35:01 pm
I am really torn. I think it depends on whether it is safe or not. My kids are grown, so thankfully, I do not need to make a decision because it would be really hard.
Leigh Nichols
8/17/2020 10:44:50 pm
I'm torn on this one- I'd like to see them back in session, but am afraid of covid spikes being blamed on it.
Debbie Ballagh
8/18/2020 04:16:23 am
I think schools should open. My special needs child is going 5 days a week. He is in a small class. Thorough cleaning should be done and good hygiene.
Cassandra D
8/18/2020 05:16:05 am
Stay home.
8/18/2020 07:31:06 am
I am in favor of schools reopening. I have grandchildren who attend public schools.
Cathleen N
8/18/2020 08:32:10 am
I think kids should return to school but with masks and smaller class sizes. Otherwise, we'll never get over this pandemic
Docia Vagnerini
8/18/2020 09:04:15 am
I don't have kids in school so from my standpoint I don't think schools should open back up yet, but it is a tough play to call because kids are probably suffering in several ways from not being able to go to school.
Barb G
8/18/2020 09:32:08 am
No it is too uncomfortable to wear a mask all day long.
8/18/2020 09:38:05 am
Based on what I'm seeing - with those schools that have tried in one manner or another and are now backing off of it I think that speaks volumes: NO.
Jamie Bertrand
8/18/2020 09:41:38 am
i don't think its a good idea. We need to flatten the curve not make it worse :(
Emily B.
8/18/2020 10:23:31 am
I don't think schools should be reopening, and I think most are going to shut down due to outbreaks. My kids are doing 100% remote learning this year.
Kayla Klontz
8/18/2020 10:38:38 am
I feel it's too early for them to go back because of how fast the spread of the virus is.
8/18/2020 10:40:27 am
I am glad schools are opening, and my son is going back to the classroom. He needs the structure and socialization. My husband is a teacher and glad to be back too.
Lauren Hecker
8/18/2020 10:54:02 am
Schools should ABSOLUTELY not open up right now. Schools do not get enough funding to provide the social distancing needs.
wendy lee klenetsky
8/18/2020 11:03:00 am
I think that it's still too dangerous for our children to be in school.
8/18/2020 11:52:20 am
I have 2 grandchildren of school age. One is home-schooled already, the other started 1st grade last week. We are extremely leary about that, but hopefully the protections the school has put in place will work. It will help that it is a small school, farming community, which makes it a little easier for even those who do not act in a safe manner to be safe in spite of themselves.
Louis A Davila
8/18/2020 12:13:42 pm
I think the schools should be teaching online.
Debbi Wellenstein
8/18/2020 12:24:36 pm
I do not think schools should be holding in person classes. I know that is hard on everyone, but it may be the safest course. I have two grandchildren who will be going to in person classes, and one who will be remote learning.
8/18/2020 12:32:10 pm
No; hybrid.
Karen M
8/18/2020 12:46:39 pm
School should not be opening. Children are going to get infected and spread the virus to other family members. More lives will be lost. They should continue with virtual school.
Philip Lawrence
8/18/2020 02:30:45 pm
I think that the schools should be closed and the kids homeschooled until the pandemic is over.
James Moyers
8/18/2020 02:46:04 pm
No kids but I wouldn’t send them back so someone can make a political statement. Kids lives matter.
Jennifer S.
8/18/2020 02:56:13 pm
I don't have children but if I did I wouldn't send them back to school. I guess it depends how many cases an area has but I wouldn't risk it.
Gaye McGill
8/18/2020 03:37:19 pm
My kids are grown, but I don't believe schools should be opening yet. The Coronavirus in not under control and very few schools have the means to following medical guidelines for opening. Many schools that have opened have had an outbreak and had to close again. There's no need to endanger children or adults by pushing this re-opening.
Silvia Fugate
8/18/2020 04:30:40 pm
My son is not going to school this year. It would have been his first year of preschool . I decided instead to sign him up for a virtual preschool and do learning from home. I also do not think schools should be opening. I did see that one school in California was doing virtual learning classrooms for kids with little pods so parents can still work and kids can do their school work with one assistant per class. I really think that is a neat idea and could be a way to do it for now so parents can still work.
Kathi Bennett
8/18/2020 06:06:15 pm
Mine are going but, I really think they should stay home. The government shut everything down when we werent even close to this bad and now everyone is back to normal when we shouldnt be.
ae minx
8/18/2020 06:08:08 pm
Speaking as someone in healthcare, I think it's too soon. We aren't prepared and children can and do catch and spread this virus. We are nowhere near the end of this pandemic.
Amy Nick
8/18/2020 06:47:33 pm
They are gonna be doing online but i think online should be in every state right now
Buddy Garrett
8/18/2020 06:52:26 pm
I don't think schools should reopen.
Amy Smeltzer
8/18/2020 07:11:40 pm
no they shouldn't, glad I don't have any
Judy Gregory
8/18/2020 07:46:20 pm
They should go back until the parent think it is safe.
Dana Scott
8/18/2020 08:00:53 pm
I don’t really think it’s a great idea but I also don’t have any answers. I’m going to send my son back a few hours a day a few days a week, the rest online.
8/18/2020 08:18:52 pm
The pandemic is not over; our school district has gone virtual until public health conditions are safer.
8/18/2020 08:55:58 pm
Schools should not open up here in Arizona. My children are doing virtual school right now.
8/18/2020 09:05:14 pm
The schools are supposed to re-open in October but have started digital learning since last week. I really can't see them re-opening this year, the numbers are far too high here in Texas.
krystal wethington
8/18/2020 09:16:56 pm
I just dont think its safe right now so mine will be staying home this year.
Janine Hwang
8/18/2020 10:28:24 pm
Too risky to open up. Yet distance teaching my kids plus working sucks!
Anita Jude
8/18/2020 11:12:24 pm
I think school should not re-open right now because it's just a scary time and plus I don't want my child getting sick
Kriss Kimball
8/18/2020 11:36:16 pm
I'm extremely grateful that there was no choice for my grandchildren. Schools are closed. That is the way I think they should be.
Kriss Kimball
8/18/2020 11:40:51 pm
I have tried and tried to enter but it keeps telling me shucks..not getting it.
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